A truck accident is a catastrophic event that can cause serious, life-changing injuries for those involved. If you suffered a severe injury or lost someone you love in a semi-truck accident in Mercer County, a skilled Trenton truck accident lawyer at the Portlock Law can help. We can assist you in taking on any trucking or insurance company in pursuit of justice and fair financial compensation on your behalf. Call our local law firm today for a consultation.
How Can a Trenton Truck Accident Attorney Help?
It can be unwise to handle a case as serious as a truck accident claim on your own as an injured victim. Trucking companies and their insurance providers have significant resources to put toward fighting liability. They will often have a team of investigators on the scene immediately. Having your own legal team working for you as soon as possible is the best way to preserve evidence and build a strong case.
If you have suffered serious injuries, it is especially important to hire a Trenton personal injury lawyer experienced in truck accidents. Hiring an attorney is always the best way to ensure you receive fair compensation from an insurance company. Without one, you may be taken advantage of by the insurance company and end up with a settlement that is inadequate for your injuries. Your lawyer will protect your rights and make sure you are justly compensated for your injuries and all of the expenses, present and future, that you have incurred.
Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Trenton, NJ
Understanding why and how your truck accident occurred is key to bringing a successful injury claim. Although New Jersey is a no-fault state, meaning you can seek damages from your own insurance company without proving fault, a truck accident typically causes injuries that are serious enough for a fault-based lawsuit. For this type of lawsuit, you or your Trenton truck accident lawyer will need to determine that the driver of the truck was at fault and legally responsible for your injuries. This will take an understanding of why your accident occurred. While collisions can be a result of a manufacturing or automotive part defect, the main causes of truck collisions our lead personal injury attorney in New Jersey has seen are related to some sort of human error.
More Information
Truck Driver Error
Truck drivers have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of others on the road. They must operate their vehicles according to federal laws. Negligence, carelessness, or recklessness behind the wheel can cause serious truck accidents. Common examples are speeding, distracted driving, texting and driving, drunk driving, and driving while fatigued.
Truck Company Negligence
A trucking company also has a responsibility to ensure the safety of its trucks and drivers. Acts of negligence such as failing to inspect and maintain fleet vehicles can lead to part breakdowns, tire blowouts, brake failures, and other serious issues that cause truck accidents. Failing to properly hire and train safe drivers is also a type of truck company negligence that contributes to accidents. Sometimes, companies push their drivers too far to meet deadlines and increase profitability with disastrous consequences.
Dangerous Roads
The City of Trenton and the State of New Jersey are responsible for the reasonable safety of their roads. Negligently ignoring complaints of potholes, debris in the road, missing guardrails, faded paint, obscured roadway signs, malfunctioning traffic lights, and other roadway defects can lead to preventable truck accidents. The government may be liable for your losses in this scenario.
Certain roads and highways are more conducive to truck accidents than others in Trenton. The New Jersey Turnpike, for example, sees multiple truck accidents each year. No matter where your accident took place, contact a qualified truck accident lawyer in Trenton for legal advice. At the Portlock Law, we accept truck accident cases involving rollovers, lost cargo loads, rear-end collisions, wide-turn accidents, sideswipes, multi-vehicle accidents, and more.
Contact Us for a Consultation With a Trenton Truck Accident Attorney
It is critical to protect your rights by hiring a truck accident lawyer for a truck accident claim in Trenton, NJ. An attorney can fight for fair and full compensation for your life-changing injuries, even in the face of insurance bad faith. If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in a truck accident, call the Portlock Law today at (609) 356-0862 or contact us online to find out how our Trenton truck accident lawyers can help you.

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(609) 356-0862